Social gatherings can be made up of any group of people from outside a household or social circle, but physical distancing of at least two metres must be maintained or a face covering must be worn when physical distancing is a challenge or required.

People having a social gathering can't hug or touch each other.

Social Circles

As the fight against COVID-19 continues, social circles remain the safest way for Ontarians to expand the number of people they can come in close contact with, without having to physical distance. To form a safe social circle, Ontarians should follow these five simple steps:

  1. Start with your current circle: the people you live with or who regularly come into your household.

  2. If your current circle is under 10 people, you can add members to your circle, including another household, family members or friends.

  3. Get agreement from everyone that they will join the circle.

  4. Keep your social circle safe. To protect it, maintain physical distancing with anyone outside of your circle.

  5. Be true to your social circle. No one should be part of more than one circle.

Everyone living in the same household is in a social circle. People in the same social circle do not have to physically distance and can hug and touch each other.

Public Health Advice

Whether in a social gathering or as part of a social 'circle' it remains critical for Ontarians to continue following public health advice to help stop the spread.

  • Staying home when ill, or keeping your child home from school when ill, even with mild symptoms.

  • Maintaining physical distancing with anyone outside of your (maximum 10 person) social circle.

  • Protecting your social circle.

  • Adhering to gathering limits and rules.

  • Regular and thorough handwashing.

  • Wearing a face covering indoors and outdoors where physical distancing is a challenge or required.

For additional protection, the Ontario government is encouraging everyone to download the new COVID Alert app on their smart phone from the Apple and Google Play app stores.

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