The federal and Ontario governments have agreed to common principles to gradually restart our economy:

  1. taking a science and evidence-based approach to decision-making;
  2. coordination and collaboration between all jurisdictions;
  3. continued accountability and transparency of all governments; and
  4. flexibility and proportionality as information changes over time.

They jointly agreed on these mandatory criteria and measures to restart:

  • COVID-19 transmission is controlled, so new cases are contained at a level that our health care system can manage;
  • sufficient public health capacity is in place to test, trace, isolate, and control the spread of the virus;
  • expanded health care capacity exists to support all needs, including COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients;
  • supports are in place for vulnerable groups, communities, and key populations. This includes the protection of seniors, residents of group living facilities, workers in close quarters, homeless people,  Indigenous peoples and those living in remote locations, health care workers and other essential workers, and inmates;
  • support and monitoring of workplace protocols are in place to keep Canadians safe at their jobs, and prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19;
  • restrictions on non-essential travel are eased and managed in a coordinated manner; and
  • communities are supported in managing local disease activity, including in child care, schools, and public transportation, and industry and economic sectors are engaged to support the health of Canadians, reduce viral activity, and protect the economy as it restarts.
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