Today the federal government announced we should only leave home if it is "absolutely essential". If you cannot use a click-and-collect service to buy your essential goods, here is an updated protocol to follow when you go to an essential store, like groceries and pharmaceuticals:
- follow the containment measures implemented by the essential service, including the waiting outside to enter, one-way arrows, standing on the taped distance lines, etc.;
- always engage in the ‘hockey stick’ rule (i.e., physical distancing of two metres; six feet), including with essential workers;
- only one family member should attend the essential service, not more;
- wear your non-medical (cloth) mask, primarily to protect others from you, if you may be asymptomatic;
- only buy groceries, get gas, get your drugs, etc. no more than one per week; no social browsing or shopping – if possible, limit it to once bi-weekly;
- do not attend with your own bags or containers;
- minimize any chit-chat and social interaction with any other customers or essential service workers; no gathering; no idle talking;
- adhere to all COVID-19 containment measures, including coughing, if necessary, into your elbow, washing your hands thoroughly immediately before and after you attend the essential service;
- minimize your time in the essential service – prepare and take a list in advance; no browsing;
- importantly, do not vent to the essential workers – they are endangering themselves to help you; none should be exposed to ridicule, criticism, complaints or general frustration;
- thank every essential worker you see, if possible – just a quick, “Thank you for everything” – no need to engage in a discussion;
- if possible, consider providing a tip to an essential worker and, if so: a) strictly physically distance; and b) provide the cash tip in an envelope and lay it at the counter only; and
- be civil, respectful, polite, courteous and cordial to everyone, particularly the essential workers, as you would at any time before the onset of this pandemic.