It’s always a good time to start thinking about what you have been avoiding and go ahead and tackle it.  No one wants to think about dying, and having a Will prepared is commonly something we avoid for as long as possible.

It is best to face this uncomfortable feeling head on with an experienced law firm and a knowledgeable estate planning lawyer who can guide you through with their well-informed answers to all your questions.

Here are just 3 reasons to stop putting it off:

  1. You will save money. While you might incur some cost for preparation of your Will, it will save money in long run for your executors and beneficiaries by reducing things such as probate fees, taxes and any court proceedings.
  • If you do not have a Will in place your assets, money and property could all be distributed to people contrary to your wishes. Having a proper Will in place allows you to set out precisely how your assets, money and property are distributed.
  • Have a say in who the guardians of your children will be. If you have minor children, choosing who cares for your children should you pass away is the most important decision you have the chance to make. So why not do so while you are capable.

More information?  We’re here to help – [email protected] This WARDS LAWYERS PC publication is for general information only. It is not legal advice, nor is it intended to be. Specific or more information may be necessary before advice could be provided for your particular circumstances.

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