Just a reminder to all employers about the importance of continuing to comply with Ontario’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (the “AODA”), which requires a graduated, compliance program for most employers.
[1] all private sector and not-for-profit organizations with twenty or more employees are required to file their fifth accessibility compliance report by December 31, 2020; and
[2] organizations with fifty or more employees are required to complete their Multi-Year Accessibility Plans review by January 1, 2020.
Please contact us if you need any assistance with your AODA compliance, including:
• past and upcoming AODA compliance dates and reporting deadlines and what your organization will need to accomplish, or should have accomplished by the deadlines;
• an overview of what’s required under each AODA accessibility standards: Standards for customer service, employment, information and communications, transportation, and the built environment for public spaces; and
• how to develop a strategy for compliance now and into the future.